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In this exercise you will learn how to use the API of the oneMath library and perform a matrix multiplication using the GEMM routines.

The source code provides a template to perform GEMM using oneMath's USM/buffer API. Please refer to the API here: https://oneapi-spec.uxlfoundation.org/specifications/oneapi/latest/elements/onemath/source/domains/blas/gemm

Exercise oneMath_usm_gemm/source.cpp

The source_*.cpp already include all the code to create input matrices and compute a reference result serially on host. The exercise is to fill in the sections marked with "TODO" comments to perform GEMM on a device using oneMath.

Build and execution hints

To run the example: ./oneMath_usm_gemm_solution (or) ./oneMath_usm_gemm_source To verify with CUBLAS debug info, export CUBLAS_LOGINFO_DB=1 and export CUBLAS_LOGDEST_DBG=stdout

For DevCloud via JupiterLab follow these instructions.

For DPC++: instructions.

For AdaptiveCpp: instructions.